Educational Programs


The Museum’s public programs are designed for car enthusiasts and life-long learners, and highlight our featured exhibitions and various automotive topics. During the summer months, you’ll find a car-related program or events at the Museum, on just about every weekend.

Guided group tours are offered to organized groups of 10 or more. To schedule a tour for your group, please contact via email

Please check the calendar of events for upcoming programs and events.


Prior to each visit, the Museum education staff will work with the organizing educator to clarify goals for student learning and to tailor the field trip to the unique needs and interests of each group.

Grade/age level specific field trips for school groups and homeschoolers have been designed to engage and educate all students.  Hands-on activities integrate history, art, science and design concepts to illustrate “real world” applications of classroom lessons. Each program begins with an introduction to our Museum and the history of the automobile in New York State, followed by a guided tour of each exhibit. 

Field Trip Fee: $15.00 per student (chaperones are free). Your fieldtrip could be free, including bussing and admission fees with the Connect Kids to Parks Grant

To schedule a field trip or school program please contact, or use the form below.

 Sign up for a field trip